Friday, September 15, 2017

Aesop is ready to throw Trump his third strike.

Aesop at the Raconteur Report has a piece on Trump's regression from populist, anti-bureaucracy, conservative swamp drainer to an aisle straddling, flip-flopping swamp monster himself. Seems Trump has two strikes against him, with a possible third on it's way.

As Aesop points out, Trump's biggest running pillars were prosecuting the Clinton syndicate, draining the swamp and building his vaunted Southern border wall. Like the link states, strike one happened almost immediately. Anyone who thinks Hillary will ever pay for any of her plethora of misdeeds is delusional.

It appears that he's replaced most of his swamp draining staff with swamp creatures, that being strike two on Aesop's list. Steve Bannon was the biggest proponent of pumping out the D.C. mudhole and turning it into a capitalist strip mall. He's gone, and he was probably the last one.

Strike three is the wall, and we are still not one step closer to building it than we were in January. And before anyone comes out with "He didn't mean a LITERAL wall, he meant a BARRIER and other passive measures that reduce illegal immigration!"... You're full of crap. Everyone who is honest will know he was literally talking about a huge cement wall. Granted, we don't NEED that. We could have a tall, solid metal fence like in Southern Kalifornia. But regardless of what the actual wall/barrier looks like, we still don't have it and haven't made an ounce of progress.

And now Trump is working with two of the most disgusting swamp monsters the halls of Congress have ever housed, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, to CONTINUE the admittedly ILLEGAL 0bama program called DACA, which has allowed nearly one million illegal aliens to remain inside the US. And what are Schumer and Pelosi willing to give up for the border wall? Nothing of course. The democrats NEVER give an inch on anything.

Strike three coming? You only get three...

If the swamp monsters absorb only one part of the message in the article, let this be it:

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