Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Aesop shows Darwin for the ignoramus that he was.

Here we have a solid takedown of Charles Darwin by fellow blogger Aesop. Thoughtful and to the point, and far beyond most amateur Darwinist's capabilities of debate. Most of the proponents of the evolutionary theory you find in your neighborhood will decline to debate you if you make Aesop's points with the detail that he has, and will instead simply accuse you of such awesome ignorance that they would only be wasting their time. In their own mind, declining to even discuss is a victory... For them.

Funny, that.

Most important is the link to Michael Behe's book near the end, if you read. You should. I own the book, though haven't nearly finished it. It has been moved to the top of my pile now. Thanks Aesop.

And also the nod to the "Cambrian Explosion" (CE). The vast majority of the evolutionary theory proponents in your neighborhood that will argue with you at all will be clueless about the event, because the vast majority of them, while disdainful of YOUR religion, despite having only a cursory understanding of their own beliefs, are blindly adhered to their own religion of Darwinism, itself a form of what Aesop labels "science-ism". He states that upon being asked to explain the CE, your debate opponent will begin fumbling over their words and sweating nervously. I will say that is true, IF (and this is a BIG if) they even have the faintest idea of what the CE is. My money is that at least 80% will not. And I think I'm giving them too much credit. They're likely to brush aside your introduction of the CE simply because they don't know what it is. Introduction of new information can be threatening to them, and since they aren't actually seeking the truth at all, they'll toss it in the garbage simply because YOU, their opponent, brought it into the discussion.

Btw, even the ignoramus Darwin acknowledged the Cambrian Explosion (aka Cambrian Radiation) as possibly the greatest argument AGAINST his own theory.

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