Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Left wingers becoming more pro gun?

Since before the election of trump I have been noticing large numbers of neo liberals and leftist becoming fairly pro gun to varying degrees.
They have various reasons and various ideas on gun control but I find it interesting how many leftists I meet are gun owners.
leftists and marxists owning guns and being pro gun is not a new phenomenon just think back to the black panther party or the weather underground.
Various left wing radicals in the 60s and 70s were pro gun.
But I am sure like the marxists of Russia, China and Cuba they would disarm all ethnic groups and political groups that disagree with them on any level in a heart beat.
I actually went out shooting not long ago with a liberal democrat.
We discussed topics like gun control and he is of course for more gun control but not completely anti gun and is a member of a gun and hunting club.
I know its sounds strange especially the fact that I would have any civil discussion and activity with a liberal democrat but I did and he did enjoy shooting and gun collecting.
This was something we could bond over and put our politics aside.
The left wing anti gun agenda chimes on and of course the left wing circles are still brimming with anti gun morons but some leftist want guns.
 keep this in mind according to what history has taught us do not count on them wanting you to have them.
link to BBC article on liberal gun owners. -

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