Sunday, March 17, 2019

Some words on the New Zealand shooting

This horrible event that has political roots is of course being politicized.
The left wing is using this as a means to demonize white western society and of course demonize gun owners.
The right wing response is to point out how in the past several months there have been numerous violent attacks on christians and Europeans by Islamic jihadists and how the left wing media was mainly silent and emotionless.
What this entire event shows me is that there is the biased between the globalist anti western left wing and the biased of the nationalistic right wing.
The left ignores violence towards christians and whites but goes into a frenzy if a white person or christian commits an act of violence against a protected group they can use as a political pawn.
The right wing however is confronted with the wrong doing of its own nation daily be it small fringe elements or crazed individuals.
We are confronted with it constantly and we are forced to make apologies and apologetics.
We to are biased we care more about our kin, nations and christians being attacked than muslims this is true.
Most of us are sickened by what this one crazed individual did but we are being further polarized by the left wing biased and attack.
We should not celebrate this individuals cowardly act of shooting unarmed men, women and children but the biased is being shown and the rifts are being further forged.

1 comment:

  1. That is an even-handed and succinct summary of the situation.
