Monday, June 10, 2019

America’s militarized police.

For those of you who proudly proclaim that you "back the blue", sit down and have a read.

If your police are heavily militarized, then you have a police state. Do you want to live in a police state? We already do.

Pay special attention to the difference between "keeping the peace" and "enforcing the law".

Molon Labe = Come and take it.

Who do you think is going to come and take it? I'll give you two guesses, but you should only need one. And yes, they will follow their orders.

If society is that dangerous, then law abiding citizens should have gun laws relaxed. If a neighborhood is so dangerous that the police need backup and rifles and MRAPs and military fatigues to pass through, then maybe they should just leave those people to their own devices. If the police need military equipment, like “Stingrays”, MRAPs, automatic weapons, then maybe we just need to drop the charade and nationalize all police forces into federal control as another branch of the military.

Either go full police state and just get this shit-storm started already, or roll them back to the days of actually being peace officers, and let We the People arm ourselves.

I mean, really arm ourselves.

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