Sunday, November 3, 2019

Heading back to South Africa this month

I am sorry I have not had the time to write or share with all of you over the past 6 months or so.
I am overwhelmed with my work in South Africa.
I am currently holding a fundraiser to help my next trip this month where I will be working to aid the individuals and organizations focusing on hindering the sponsored violence against unarmed civilians/ women and children.
link to my fundraiser for who ever is interested.

link to fundraiser -

link to trailer for my new documentary South Africa: Stop The Bleeding -


  1. Do you have any news updates about some of the events going on there?

    1. As of right now the murders are steady and horrific. All of them are wrote off as robberies that include murder and malicious acts that have nothing to do with racial based violence if you believe to the media and south African government

  2. Emailing your trailer to some of the writers at AP.
