Tuesday, December 12, 2017

WRSA Masthead speaks truth.

The top banner, or "masthead", on Western Rifle Shooters Association (WRSA) states:

"The government at all levels in FUSA is controlled by people who want to see you and your way of life destroyed. Never forget that."

For your info, "FUSA" is either "Fallen United States of America" or "Former United States of America".

The statement is absolutely correct. From the very top, members of congress and their staffers, White House officials, the SCOTUS and all of their lawyers, heads of federal departments and agencies and their middlemen, to the state governments, governors and attorney generals, members of your legislatures and their staffers, to the local governments with their city council members and county commissioners... Those entities and organizations do not know you, do not care about you or your family, and more likely view you and your way of life as an obstacle to their drive for more authority and influence.

And make no mistake that the badge wearers, from the federal level down to the states, counties and cities WILL ALWAYS FOLLOW THEIR ORDERS when they're told to seize your property and assists, confiscate your weapons and arrest you or kill you. Those badge wearers will be the first line when it comes to enforcing the edicts of their masters on you. As long as those masters decide it's "legal", it becomes a license to kill you depending on your level of protest. And that threshold is getting lower and lower every day.

Get yourself in order.

Primary: Shelter, water, food, security. This is the survival list. Without any one of these, you're sunk.

Secondary: Communications, intelligence, medical, transportation. These will allow you to thrive instead of just survive. And you can start fighting back against whatever has happened.

Grow and hunt your own food, as much of it as possible. Homeschool your kids, or at least have a robust plan to counteract the propaganda they will receive from approximately the 3rd grade onward.

Get yourself a combat rifle and plenty of ammo and mags, and train with it.

Cut your cable. No CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, etc. No cable or satellite. If you really have to get your cooking/culinary show fix, Netflix and Hulu will suffice.

Go to your city council and county commissioner meetings.

Go to town events and keep your eyes open for like minded people, and make friends. There is no lone wolf. Wolves have packs.

This all might sound extreme, and it might sound like I have made some major leaps and stretches with what I've said. Not so. This particular post is for the people who already know what steps we've taken to get where we are today in America. If you think I've made some leaps and exaggerations, then you may not have taken your red pill yet. This message might not be for you yet if you need me to list all the connections for you to link your white picket fence suburban life in wonderful America to a place where you might need a combat rifle and a large food storage closet to ensure your way of life continues for another generation.

If that's the case, please bookmark this exact post and come back in a year after regularly reading some other blogs, such as WRSA (already linked), AesopHerschel, Brushbeater (combat rifle link below), Woodpile, etc.

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