Friday, February 2, 2018

The Memo has been released!

The highly anticipated four page memo from the House Intelligence Committee has finally been released, and once I've read it and had a good think, I'll post up my own explanation/analysis, to go with the thousands of others you'll likely see. Thanks in advance to any of you who choose to add mine to your reading list.

Will post a little later, as promised.


  1. GabFam here. How big of a deal is this? Does it weaken Mueller's case against any of the indicted? Were any laws broken?

    1. How big is it? Let's put it like this: Let's say you and I believe in space aliens. We "know" that space aliens are out there, and there are some people who are with us on that, but most aren't. Or don't really give it much thought because we can't document it or show them. Then one day it gets exposed. Officially documented and exposed.

      That's what we have here. Me and you both "knew" we had figurative space aliens, but now it's official and documented. This memo is a real, live space alien for the whole country, the whole, world to see.

      As far as laws being broken, my mind immediately goes to what was omitted by the FBI when they applied for the warrant and the three renewals. That's a minimum of 18 months of hiding info relevant to the applications. I'm not an attorney, but the rule of law demands that all relevant info being presented. Not only was relevant info omitted, but FALSE info was presented. Now, can the FBI claim that they simply practiced poor source management? I don't know. Then I wonder about the funding. I'm unsure if we even have laws to cover this outrageous behavior on the part of the DOJ and FBI.
