Thursday, February 1, 2018

Where have all the children gone?

I am not personally familiar enough with the website Intellectual Takeout, but when I opened the page, Thomas Sowell was on the front. Good omen, I say.

Anyway, The Gray Mother sent me this article from Intellectual Takeout via text message. Short but good.

Basically, let your kids have FREE TIME to JUST PLAY. And that means play OUTSIDE. Kids needs to run outside and do outside things to grow and learn. They need those sensory connections to be made early. I believe it's nearly impossible to make them later in life if there is no foundation.

The Gray children, that is, my three kids, are currently six, two and two. Yeah, twins. Anyway, they play outside on our rural property and sometimes we aren't even out there with them. We check on them, but they're allowed and encouraged to run outside and play.

Let your kids be little and be outside.

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