Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Muslim hordes are approaching.

Islam has been attacking and invading for centuries. The Christian Crusades we are taught about were actually a defensive response to centuries of Muslim invasions into Europe. Today, Muslim "migration" from Africa and the Middle East are threatening the cultures of Europe.

I'm at work right now so I don't have time to pontificate on this with well thought out words.

Instead I'll leave this video here for you to see. I'm personally not prone to hyperbole or drama, but I do believe that video gets it right. Pay special attention to when the Muslim man is telling the German that Muslims will move into Europe and outbreed the Germans. This is the plan. The invasion has started. Unfortunately, we also have our governments to battle against because they are complicit. Our governments are facilitating this invasion, and if you protest, you'll be labeled a racist xenophobe. In the UK, you may actually be jailed for speaking against the Islamic invasion.

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