Thursday, May 3, 2018

Forward Observer: Intelligence and Community Security

Samuel Culper at Forward Observer has written a great five-day long blog entry on intelligence and community security. I'll post the intro and all five daily entries.

A lot of people in our movement, or in your movement, or whatever movement that is, be it the Alt-Right, the Tea Party, or whoever you side with (odds are you fall in with someone somewhere if you're reading this, or are looking for a movement home), are looking for a way to fight and win back the country and defend Western Civilization. But that doesn't happen from the top down. It goes from the ground up. And to get things done, you have to have information to drive that action. Intelligence drives the mission. You've got to be able to collect and analyze that information in order to act on it, or get others to act on it.

Without further delay, we have Culper's excellent entries.

Intro to the ACE Blog

Day 01

Day 02

Day 03

Day 04

Day 05

Created by a former US Army intelligence professional and combat veteran of OEF and OIF, vouched for and reposted by a former US Army intelligence professional and combat veteran of OEF. You're in good hands.

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