Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Jordan Peterson - Intellectual giant or giant hypocrite.

If any of you have been following Jordan Peterson then you would have seen how he has had amazing arguments against neo liberal agendas and ideals.
He has done a great job and combating neo feminist agendas and hypocrisy as well as various issues the left wing elements push on the public.
However even though Peterson does appear to be anti leftist he most certainly is not pro right wing.
Interesting fact he claims that ideology of any kind disgusts him.
So what he is telling the public is reject leftist ideals and anything that is seen as right wing.
He has been very outspoken when it comes to his disgust for any breed of nationalism.
He has also claimed that neo Marxism is destroying western civilization.
Please share your ideas on Peterson and what you think his agenda is.
He claims that having a set of ideals that you subscribe to is " idiotic" though he claims he values Christianity.
He claims he values western civilization but rejects a belief system.
An ideology is a belief system and individualism is something that peterson promotes and these can be labeled as a ideology.
He values free speech and thought can this not be considered akin to ideology on some level?
I see a man who attacks cultural and social structures on all side of the fence and then plays a mind game of social, ethnic and cultural relativism when the smoke clears and debris settles.
This man has criticized cultural relativists though it seems like he supports cultural relativists.
He is generating great wealth with a capitalist system but does not seem to be interested in preserving any form of political or economic system that promotes capitalism.
This man is finding great success due to the united states and the system we have of promoting free speech but Jordan peterson would have us reject the concept of embracing a constitutional republic and any form of nationalism that preserves such a system.
I think it is important to point out that ethnic pride and nationalistic pride is more akin to value of culture or ethnic creed.
But he does discourage ethnic and national pride.
This man is becoming like Noam Chomsky very good at pointing out problems but not interested in solutions.
my feeling is simply that a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.
I think this man is using some two faced double think tactics and people are not picking up on them.

What do all of you think?
Is Peterson falling apart? is he a fraud, is he getting too big for his britches or is he the brilliant intellectual giant of the twenty first century?


  1. I think that we need to look at two things here. First is Peterson himself, and then second is the merits of the "left" vs the merits of the "right", and what people will do if they're shown what the left really is.

    First, Peterson. He's clinical psychologist. I've done my time working in the lower levels of the psych field (almost five years) and I can say that Jordan Peterson is about as "right wing" as we can ever hope for out of that field. There are surely some who are more so but for the most part, he's the best we're going to get, especially considering that he's Canadian. He's also a scientist, basically. One would hope that he would try to keep ideology out of his field. With that said, he's certainly stepping into the realm of politics, so he's blurring the line himself. I think the biggest takeaway I've noticed is that he firmly believes that leftism, not the right, is damaging society through it's domination of the education system in Western Civilization. Peterson's imperfections are obvious, but we have to decide if he is doing actual damage to the right or to the left, or both. I don't see him doing significant damage to the right, but to the left, I do see that as a possibility. Can we use the things he's saying to advance our cause? There is little of what he says that the left can use. On the contrary, he's more likely to sit and have a forum with the right while with the left, he's always being forced to out them as the fools they are.

    Second, I mentioned the merits of the right vs the left. If Jordan Peterson is espousing a level field of right and left, putting both down to earth and telling everyone "both sides have these flaws" then I think the merits of the right greatly become apparent over the left on that equal field, especially to a person who is trying to listen to Peterson and really be as objective as they can be. The flaws in the left, he has exposed them in as brutal a way as anyone. He has gone into these universities and told these students that they are essentially know-nothing children LARPing as adults, and he's laid that out for them in a way that they are unable to deny it. Now, if he wants to do the same to the right, then that's fine. Why? Because those students aren't on the right. They were never on the right. They don't understand the right. So when he attempts to put the right in it's place, which he does much less often than the left, he's not really doing anything new. He's not doing anything novel, or anything they haven't seen. But when he crashes that wrecking ball through these students' ideology, it's something they've never seen before, and it's leaving a lasting impression that many of them are going to retain.

    Jordan Peterson, yes. We can use him, for now. And if we can avoid twisting his ideas and just take them at face value, I think he'll keep going after left.

    1. I agree with you. I want to make it clear I do respect peterson, I like him and think he is doing great work but he is so harsh on hypocrites and hypocrisy and here we have a man who has attacked cultural Marxism and stated that is is a threat to western culture but now tells us that nationalism and cultural pride is " idiotic". He tells us how ideology is idiotic while using ideology to educate people and encouraging people. to embrace individualism or free though and societies and constitutional values of free speech. This is hypocrisy. Though it may be a brilliant tactic used to confuse the left. Either way the left labels him a hate monger or Nazi so why try to appease them. It is the conservatives that have given him revenue and a platform. Something he should not forget.
