Saturday, May 19, 2018

Why leftists avoid the topic of Islamic violence against minorities

I recently published some documentaries and video projects that I produced while I was in Iraq that focus on the violence that ethnic Armenians, Assyrians and Christian minority groups in Syria and Iraq have suffered at the hands of the Islamic state. When I shared the material, the leftist and black nationalist elements will almost always digress the dialogue into a direction that sets out to prove how evil Christians are or how white people are the real terrorists.

When conservatives see the work I have done in Iraq the majority respond with statements like "God help these people" or "they are in my prayers" or "what can I do to help?" or praises to the Christian communities for their efforts in resisting the violence of Islamic fascists. When white liberals see my programs, the majority will digress and derail the topic into how Christians are no better or how Christianity was worse while giving examples of the Crusades and events that happened over one thousand years ago. They will instantly run to the defense of Islam and act as if the work I am doing is an attack on all Muslim people.

The black nationalist elements will find the first chance they get to digress the conversation into how white people are worse than ISIS or the same as ISIS with statements on how white people are murdering blacks in mass numbers, or shooting out memes with photos of school shooters and text stating things like "white people are the biggest threat to America" or memes displaying photos of the KKK and text with quotes like "before you judge Muslims and ISIS remember that White America is just as bad as ISIS."

A professor from the university of London from the black studies department mocked my work in Iraq saying "don't throw your toys out of the pram" and "stop trying to exploit my emotions with this sensationalist propaganda, black people have been suffering for over 500 years under white oppression." This same black studies professor will publish works expressing the pain and suffering that Africans faced during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and post historic photos on her Facebook page displaying the scars that African slaves had on their backs. These people will display graphic images of Jewish victims of the holocaust and use at as a means to demonize nationalism, Christians, Germans and Europeans, but God forbid we show the suffering of Christians in the Middle East. Notice how showing the suffering of ethnic non-Muslim minorities in the Middle East angers and confuses leftists?

Black nationalists feel that their victimization mentality and status is under attack and threatened when compared to how other races and ethnic groups are suffering through out the world.
Rather than wave the flag of " solidarity" as they always push on our society they attack information and people who show concern for the suffering of minorities that face real systematic violence and murder.
White liberals scramble to digress into statements about the evil of christianity because they feel uncomfortable criticizing any aspect of Islam.
When you confront their anti christian mindset and ask them why they feel the need to tout Islam as a religion of love and peace but christianity as a religion responsible for violence they eventually end the conversation with a dismissive " I hate all religion". If you hate all religion why did you spend the last 15 -30 minutes defending Islam?
The truth is oppression is a problem, bigotry is a problem racial and ethnic violence is a problem and people are being attacked because of their religion and Yazidi peoples in Syria and Iraq as well as ethnic Assyrians, Syriac, and Armenians are some of the people getting the worse of it at the hands of Islamic fascists and left wing media and elements spent the past eight years marginalizing, minimizing and ignoring the violence against minorities because they did not have the ability to demonize white people, Europeans, Christians and western society to the degree they wanted to further than anti western marxist agenda.  I hold them all in extreme contempt.
You will almost always see the same tactic, digress, derail and then demonize christians when ever you discuss the violence Christians and Yazidi people face.

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