Sunday, January 13, 2019

Salon propaganda against christians

As always Salon with its anti American, anti white and anti christian propaganda has now published an article accusing Christians of all having brain damage without exception.
To be precise they are accusing religious fundamentalists of having brain damage and frontal lobe disorders.
Interesting fact is that the thumbnail/photo for this article includes a picture of the bible and several white/light skinned hands laying over the cover.
Interesting how the left is always screaming about inclusiveness but for some reason could not bother to include the Quran and the hands of african Americans or other skin tones.
So demographically more non European people are much more devout to their faiths than western society so is Salon accusing blacks, asians, arabs and various other ethnic and racial demographics of being mentally deranged?
interesting how they only use a bible in the photo and they feel the need to use light skinned hands.
link to the propaganda trash article.

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