Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Unlocking the mind of a political leftist

Before I began understanding the American left wing/ right wing paradigm I was baffled by the hypocrisy the so called liberals demonstrated.
They were always consistently intellectually inconsistent. 
They would obsess over minority rights on every corner of the earth. 
If a ethnic or racial minority faced any level of disparagement, inequality, or difficulty in any country at the hands of european christians they were emotionally worked up into a frenzy ready to demonstrate their disgust and rage at the perceived infractions against the said minority group. 
But when I wished to discuss the violence and unjust acts against white minority groups in regions of Africa or various other countries through out the world the leftists would always act in a dismissive or uninterested manner towards the violence against christians and people of European stock. 
If you tried to discuss afrikaner children and infants  being brutally murdered in racially charged attacks the face of the average leftist glazed over with a look of apathy while others would be enraged with me for brining up the subject and then accuse me of being a racist for being concerned about the existence and well being of white minorities. 
If christian communities were being slaughtered in the middle east the leftists would instantly switch the topic to the crusades and bring up christian violence and do all they could to derail the conversation or do all they could to prove that christians are just as bad as ISIS and that being worried about the lives of Christian people be they white, black or any other race or ethnic creed made me islamophobic. 
 The same leftists were always emotionally worked into a frenzy when there were reports of evil white supremacists pulling hijabs off the heads of Muslims women however they laugh when they would see films from monty python mocking the crucifixion of christ and support federal funds going to artists who smear fece on statues of saints and mother mary but they were outraged that any non muslim would dare criticize Islam in the slightest way. 
This all baffled me and I could not understand why the political left was behaving in such a irrational inconsistent manner. 
Eventually I learned how progressives and fabian socialists had been working to subvert society into adopting ideals that were geared to create a new breed of man that could be controlled and subverted with the greatest of ease. 
I began reading the works of Huxley and Orwell and I learned that there were social engineering plans that had been set forth since the turn of the century by globalists working to brainwash our society into a group of non thinking lemmings that a small sect of oligarchs could do what they pleased with. 
I then learned of the social engineering schemes of the Marxists and how the soviets began using the same tactics through media and academia to subvert the west into thinking insane ideals that were against their best interest with the intent to topple capitalist nations.
Now it has become more complex the left is being manipulated by Chinese physiological subversion. 
The soviets are gone but the Chinese are now running internet media that works to subvert the political left. 
But it does not end there we now have islamofascist propaganda and subversion coming from various middle easter nation states working to further subvert the left with their own agendas that are a new breed of various forms of middl eastern nationalism and islamofascism. 
The Islamic agitators and media are willing to criticize china however china is willing to criticize the Islamic sects and the globalists are willing to criticize anyone who is not an unthinking, open borders lemming. 
Zionists have been working to subvert the left and right wing of America but the political tides are changing as more and more of the left is becoming anti zionist due to the islamofascist propaganda and some are even becoming anti Jewish. 
What they all have in common and what is always consistent within the leftist circles is that they hate the west, they hate capitalism, they hate free markets, they hate western culture and its people. 
Whites/ European people are always the enemy, Christianity is always subject to criticism and ridicule while all other religions are sacred as are all non white racial groups. 
The left hates tradition and western culture. 
They are uncaring and uninterested in the well being of people descended from western culture and christianity as far as they are concerned is an extension of western culture. 
If Iraqi and Syrian christians are being killed they are not interested because its a never ending game of rock, paper, scissors with the left. 
Christianity is apart of the programming they are engineered to hate.
They are incapable of restructuring their thought patterns even though christianity is a middle eastern religion and most Syrians and Iraqis are not what the left would define as " white" that does not matter they are connected to the religion of what they left has been indoctrinated to see as oppressive and further research and thought would cause the propaganda wiring to blow a fuse so christians in the middle east even though they are endangered minorities are not going to yield sympathy from the left.
Afrikaners are not going to be on the table for discussion because they are descended of christian white Europeans and if you prove that violence against whites in North America, Europe or any other part of the world is a problem most leftist will end the conversation with condoning that violence. 
They are against guns and weapons but they love che and castro men who lived by the AK 47, they love Nelson Mandela even though the man had an arsenal that would make any right wing militia look like the boy scouts. 
In the end its simple the left has been brainwashed to see the west as bad and all others nations as good however this is changing with the push of chinese subversion and islamofascist subversion. 
Soon it will become very strange and confusing. 
Jews will no longer be sacred to much of the left and they will turn on them if the islamofascist get the upper hand and I am sure the Chinese will have some interesting tactics and tricks up their sleeve. 

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