Thursday, June 11, 2020

Don’t worry about the police. They will be just fine.

This is a Marxist revolution. All revolutions are marked by iconoclasm, targeting of undesirable people, and system transformation to fit the needs of the new, incoming ruling class. Marxist societies always require large, powerful police forces to keep the ruling class in control. This current defunding and reforming of the police is just temporary. Once the Marxists have control, they have historically placed the police forces in a position of extreme power and stature.

Think about the communist takeovers in the past, some of the most quintessentially communist countries. East Germany, the Soviet Union, contemporary China... What is one thing they all have? Deeply funded, immensely powerful, totally immune state police forces. Without them, the system of Marxist Communism won’t stand.

Wait it out. The police will eventually be the heroes of the state, will exist totally above the law, with all of the power, funding and legal immunity they could ever hope for.

Imagine if conservative white people in America cared half as much about their own racial heritage and survival as they do about making sure the police get everyone’s respect, tax dollars and legal immunity to do things that they themselves would never be allowed to do. Like drive around in MRAPs and carry rifles in town.

Here’s a hint: If you need MRAPs and a squad of trigger pullers to work in society, then it’s a war zone. If it’s a war zone, you have to do away with gun laws and let the people defend themselves as if it’s a war zone.

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