Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Public exchange between me and a Florida gubernatorial candidate.

Public online exchange between me and John Joseph Mercadante, Republican gubernatorial candidate in Florida:

JJM: "Usually we’re not at war with the people, it’s their leaders that are the issue."

Me: "Leaders come from the people. Leaders are a reflection of the people. The US Army should be used to kill people and break things, and if "the people" want to stand around and laugh with someone, they can hire a comedian. Besides, if we are at war with the leaders, then logically speaking, OUR leaders should go fight the war themselves. Leaders against leaders. Or do modern day politicians prefer to lead from the rear?"

JJM: "We do not go to war to kill every living human in that Country, Venezuela is a prime example. Hypothetically, if we were to go to war with them and wipe out all the Venezuelan people, no more problem, correct? No, it’s similar to a surgery, cut out the cancer and make sure it’s 99.999% gone. General Manual Noriega of Panama, we finally got him, brought him and held him at Krome Detention Center to (sic) close to where I live. Nothing was going to fly into that zone except our military, when you extract a leader of a foreign country, you make sure he doesn’t return (by an act of war). Then you monitor, very closely, who will be the new leader. We had no issue with the Panamanian citizens, his loyalists in his military and a few hold outs were the problem and quickly contained. War is not to only kill, it’s a strategy to achieve and accomplish a specific goal. You are correct, leader (sic) come from the People and when they forget that they are servants of the People, they have to be removed. Money is not the great corrupter, power is, then that leads to money."

Me: "'Leaders come from the People and when they forget that they are servants of the People, they have to be removed.' Interesting statement. It will be even more interesting if we come to that point in American history. How do you feel about the Second Amendment, Mr. Mercadante? What is the true purpose of it, in your opinion?"

JJM: "I took an Oath to defend the Constitution, that is chiseled in stone, it’s my Honor, my good word. To answer your question, I’m a current, card carrying NRA member and have been at many Gun shows representing the Republican Party of Florida. Thank you for your service."

Me: "I appreciate your support for my service, and I am also a NRA member. What I want is for more politicians (and candidates) to acknowledge that the 2A is a written description of a natural right that we have as humans to possess tools to defend ourselves without being limited by government. The 2A is in place specifically to ensure that The People have the ability to defend themselves from government aggression. It has nothing to do with hunting, a little to do with stopping burglars, and MUCH to do with keeping our government officials and agents in check."

Will update, if there is anymore discussion.

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