Sunday, January 22, 2017

Learn the terms and facts before debating an issue.

When someone is knowledgeable about a specific subject, they're able to accurately define the subject, use correct terminology and honestly debate the merits and histories of said subject.

Therefore, it's proper to expect that a layman who comes along interested in debate will go and seek out the necessary information and become familiar with the correct terminology.

Anyone knowledgable on a subject is right to expect that a person who is debating them from an adversarial point of view should possess the ability to have an honest debate in the first place. While that does not require them to be an expert, it does require them to understand the subject matter.

If you can not differentiate between a rifle and a shotgun, then I will not debate with you about my right to possess either of those items.

If you have acquired all of your knowledge regarding firearm sound suppressors from Jason Bourne and James Bond movies, then I will not debate with you about my right to possess a sound suppressor.

If you have never looked at the actual sources for firearm-related crime stats, then I will not debate with you the effects of my Second Amendment rights on crime stats.

I do not expect you to be an expert or a gun enthusiast, but I do expect you to accurately define the subject, use correct terminology and HONESTLY debate the merits and histories of the subject.

Side note: The FBI violent crime stats page is the best place to start when researching crime stats and will often be the only source you need because it is an official and complete source that most of the honest sources derive raw stats from. Even the dishonest sources derive raw stats from there, before twisting them and omitting important pieces to fit their agenda.

I warn the gun control supporters who do visit the FBI stats page, you probably will not be happy with these statistics because they will not support your pro-gun control stance. Therefore, I highly encourage you to be flexible with your beliefs and principles on gun control, because the facts themselves are not flexible in the least, no matter how hard you try to bend them.

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